Tuesday 30 October 2012

About Breast Cancer

This 3D medical animation outlines the progression of breast cancer and describes the stage classifications based on the extent of the disease.

Breast self-examinations help women know how their breasts normally look and feel in case of any changes. The goal, with or without breast self-exams, is to report any breast changes to a doctor or nurse right away. Fast action and proactive behavior can help save lives. You can find some suggestive ways to conduct a breast self-exam here.

Article from Gynecologic Oncology: Breast Cancer - Early Detection

Some facts contribute to higher risk of causing breast cancer e.g. marital and maternal status: More common in spinsters, or if married then have not given birth to children, or if given birth then have not breast fed their offspring and many other facts. - ABC of Breast Cancer

Simply, Breast Cancer

Male and Female Anatomy

In a quick glance, ordinary people in usual settings distinguish males and females by glancing for common facial features and anatomy. Hence, the distinguishing anatomical feature between a man and a woman is quite obvious at the upper torso. Biologically, both male and female four-week old embryos undergo a similar process of epidermal thickenings, called milk lines or mammary ridges [1]. This happens before either chromosome pairs of XX or XY interferes with determining physical traits that distinguish males from females [2]. However, during puberty, the hormone oestrogen plays a role in stimulating the development of these mammary glands in females commonly called breast. These glands consist of lobules, ducts and the fatty tissue. 

Breast Cancer Cell
Cells are naturally the main building blocks of tissues that eventually make up organs. Cancer is a dreaded word. The simplest way to explain cancer is the continuous growth of cells which at that point of time are not needed by the body forming lumps. Breast cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers in women worldwide [3]. This cancer type is however rare in males. Cancer is either caused by hereditary mistakes or by lifestyle. Hereditary is defined by the damaged DNA material passed on by either parent. A sedentary lifestyle packed with food made of white flour and diet rich in meat while lacking the greens and fruits is considered as risk to causing cancers. Obesity, early age of menarche, age of first pregnancy, nulliparity and late age of menopause are among other risk factors of breast cancers.

Breast Cancer Illustration
Breast cancer if detected at an earlier stage can save a woman’s life. Women are encouraged to carry out self breast examination each month and if at high risk due to hereditary factor are encouraged to undergo mammography. Mammography is also recommended for women above the age of 40. Please see a doctor the soonest if any of these symptoms appear: lumps or thickening of the tissue, flaking skin or discharge from the nipple, 'tethering' of the skin, as if it's being pulled from the inside, any unusual sensation or discomfort or a change in outline, shape or size of the breast [4]. Total mastectomy is the removal of the entire breast and nipple [5]. Depending on the type of breast cancer, some women will be prescribed with hormone therapy [4].

Cancer patients and cancer survivors lead a longer more fulfilling life with the support of loved ones and peers. Hence, it is important to support their decisions on the type of treatments they choose. It is not an easy decision for a woman to opt for mastectomy but it could save her life, therefore the partner’s support in this decision is very significant. The colour pink has been associated to breast cancer promotion and support towards women with breast cancer, with the pink ribbon adopted as an international symbol of breast cancer awareness since the year 1992. The colour pink and blue symbolizes support for men with breast cancer. The 10th month, October, has been officially picked as the Breast Cancer Awareness month. 

Now that you know a little about breast cancer, your support no matter how small can go a long way. 


By Jagdish K. Chahil, Senior Scientist (R&D)

Let us Fight Together... Conquer Breast Cancer

Mumbai's Tata Memorial Hospital published its findings on cancer in India in the British medical journal, Lancet recently. It said that about 6% of all deaths in India are from cancer, and 70% of cancer deaths happen between the productive 30-69 age group. There were an estimated 5,600,000 cancer deaths in India in 2010.

I would like to share the thoughts of one of my colleague who's family friend has fought breast cancer. She is one of the many cancer survivors who is a source of inspiration to all of us, especially the women folks. She is diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer last year. The initial response was the usual shock & grief. She is a brave lady bringing up two daughters during the most challenging circumstances. She consented for all the advice by the Oncologist, underwent surgery followed by both chemo & radiotherapy. She is now cancer free and leads a joyful meaningful life without any limitations. She goes to parties, plays cards at the local club, does trekking etc. When she was told about our Molecular Screening Services (INFOHaem MSS) for early risk prediction, she remarked: “I wish everyone would undergo that kind of tests and make informed lifestyle changes to prevent the disease or be in a better position to fight it out”.

Breast cancer has overtaken cervical cancer in our state of Karnataka. According to statistics available with the Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology’s (KMIO) cancer registry, breast cancer accounts for 27% of all cancers suffered by women in the state, whereas cervical cancer constituting 13%. 

Dr M Vijaya Kumar, Director of KMIO claimed that the institute gets over 1,000 new cases of breast cancer every year and most of these are from urban areas like Bangalore. Although the average age of a breast cancer patient is 50, but younger women too are getting this disease fast. 

Dr Anthony Pais from Majmudar Shaw Cancer Center said that by 2020, 60% of breast cancer cases of the world will be from India. Breast cancer is increasing at a dramatic percentage of 51% globally according to the WHO. In India, one out of 26 women suffers from breast cancer, whereas in western countries, the corresponding number is one out of eight women.

According to studies conducted between 2006 and 2008, the crude incidence of breast cancer in Bangalore is 29 per 100,000 female population. This study was published by ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research ) in 2010.  This made Bangalore at its rank of number one when it came to age adjusted rate of breast cancer in India. 

Early detection is the key to fight breast cancer and increased level of awareness can also serve the purpose, said experts during the first Breast Cancer Survivors Conference which was held recently in Pune, India. Dr. Shona Nag said, "A lot of breast cancer patients are cured now. Their survivorship is equated to life which begins for the patient after the treatment ends." Dr. Anantbhushan Ranade said more than 40% cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in the third or fourth stage. "This is a cause for concern as early diagnosis can lead to better chances of successful treatment".

We are losing millions of their most productive years to cancer. The first elaborate study to estimate the global impact of cancer on the number of healthy years of life lost by patients has found that Indians lost 18.7 million years of productive healthy life to cancer in 2008 alone. Globally, around 170 million years of healthy life were lost to cancer the same year. China accounted for 25% and India (11%) of these 170 million lost years. Both these Asian giants accounted for 67% of the burden in Asia.

Most doctors feel that early detection tests for breast cancer save thousands of lives each year, and that many more lives could be saved if even more women and their health care providers took advantage of these tests. Following the American Cancer Society's guidelines for the early detection of breast cancer improves the chances that breast cancer can be diagnosed at an early stage and treated successfully. Our MSS is in lines with the international guidelines.
We all need united effort to fight against cancer, so that we have more cancer survivors among us, or I would put it this way...Cancer Conquerors.

1. http://www.cancer.org/cancer/breastcancer/moreinformation/breastcancerearlydetection/breast-cancer-early-detection-importance-of-finding-early
2. http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2012-10-08/bangalore/34322345_1_breast-cancer-cervical-cancer-cancer-amounts
3. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Millions-of-productive-years-lost-to-cancer/articleshow/16831525.cms
4. http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2012-10-14/pune/34448222_1_fight-breast-breast-cancer-survivors-conference-shona-nag

By Sneha Gopal, Software Developer