Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year 2013

Message from The CEO's Desk: -

Dear INFOValiants,

When I sat to write this mail on this last day of the Year 2012, I noticed that I am at lost for words to describe what has happened over the last 12 months! Thus, I am not going to attempt to dig deep to look for words that could describe what I believe a year with so little achievement for us at INFOVALLEY.

However, I am truly and nervously look forward to Year 2013 to 2015, a 3 year period that is going to shape the future of INFOVALLEY, a shape and form that we have been carving for a long, long time now. I cannot wait to launch this new phase of plan and look forward to making it a reality that all of us can be proud of. Like a child that could not sleep thinking about the plans lined up for tomorrow, once again I cannot wait for January 1st. Last night, I felt and strongly believed that going on a holiday on January 1st is probably the most ridiculous decision ever planned up as it should be the day when you put your best foot forward to kick-start and drive the engine forward, rushing with adrenaline towards this new world that we have always been thinking of and hoping to realise. Anticipating, turning, twisting and negotiating bends and hurdles along the way, knowing each hurdle passed is a mile closer to our new destination.

INFOVALLEY is completely committed to its vision to shape and realise the new future. We do not intend to live in the present which was formed yesterday. Instead, we want to experience the tomorrow that was shaped by us at INFOVALLEY today. Thus, doing all today and looking forward to a new tomorrow is the thinking that we would nurture within our eco-system. We can’t wait for tomorrow because we do not want to live in the world of yesterday another day. We want to live in the new world the soonest, the way we wanted it and it is INFOVALLEY’s World.

I thank all of you for having been part of this ship that sails to the new horizon but I am sure you understand that it is a Starship with only the sky as its limit. I wish you a Happy New Year and I look forward to a feverish start in 2013.

Best Wishes.

Matt A. Chandran
Group Chief Executive Officer
INFOVALLEY Group of Companies
Global Business Office London
Management Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur