Monday 2 April 2012

Do What You Love, Love What You Do

15 Health Tips to share with everyone:

1. Refuse stress! Miss the bus rather than run!
2. Learn a relaxation technique and use it once a week at least.
3. Go for a walk every day.
4. Drink lots of water every day. The brain needs it.
5. Eat and drink healthily every day. Special treats only on weekends. If you easily gain weight: eat SMALL portions.
6. Choose an exercise technique that suits you, and practice it once a week at least.
7. Go to a professional massage therapist regularly. Or exchange services with your partner or friend, read a book about massage and practice it.
8. Don't smoke.
9. Sleep enough and well. (The most common reason to sleeping problems is lack of exercise.)
10. Get to know yourself, and realise you are worth a good life.
11. Look around you - what can be changed in your life and your environment to make you feel better?
12. Keep developing - learn new things, try different paths in life.
13. Be good to yourself. Let ambition rest sometimes.
14. Think positively about other people and wish them well!
15. Do things that you love. Enjoy life!

Take a couple of seconds to complete this quick quiz by yourself:

1. Are you doing EXACTLY the kind of work that makes you want to leap out of bed each morning excited to begin a new day?
2. Does your work satisfy a need deep within to express yourself, your talents, your values, your unique and precious gifts?
3. Does your work allow for a balanced life – one that leaves time for family and friends, for exercise or hobbies, for you?
4. Are you doing what you love and loving what you do?

Well, did you get a YES for all?

by Amia Wan, Marketing Executive

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