Thursday 26 July 2012

Bypass Burgers: Eat Unto Death

I am sure most of you like burgers, rather LOVVVVVE burgers. Would you want to try triple bypass burger? It is available at Heart Attack Grill @ Las Vegas, Nevada. I stumbled upon this last week while researching for mutations related to cardiovascular disease.

Menu offered at Heart Attack Grill:
Single bypass burger, double bypass burger, triple bypass burger and much more.

Funny name right? Find out more what happens if you eat them regularly.

When you pass by a KFC or McDonald's joint, don’t you crave for a big, juicy hamburger, but thank your stars that you are in Malaysia, not USA, where you get a small sized burger and not like the one shown above. Contents inside the burgers can lead to an increased risk for heart disease if you have too many of them. Two main risk factors for heart disease are cholesterol and high blood pressure.

The saturated fat and cholesterol in hamburgers can raise your blood cholesterol levels, which can increase your risk for heart disease. Ground beef has about 21 g total fat and 8 g saturated fat per 3-ounce serving. 

High sodium intake is another risk factor leading to high blood pressure, and a hamburger loaded with cheese and condiments is very high sodium laden.

Coronary artery bypass surgery is a surgery performed to relieve angina(pain in the chest) caused due to blockage in arteries and reduce the risk of death . Arteries or veins from elsewhere in the patient's body are grafted to the coronary arteries to bypass the narrowed passages and improve the blood supply to the heart muscle. This surgery is usually performed with the heart stopped, often called off-pump" surgery. It requires a heart-lung bypass machine to circulate the blood and add oxygen. Bypass surgery is usually performed only when other treatments, such as medicine and angioplasty are not useful because of the location or extent of the blockage.

Number of bypasses

The terms single bypass, double bypass, triple bypass, quadruple bypass and quintuple bypass refer to the number of coronary arteries bypassed in the procedure. 

a double bypass means two coronary arteries are bypassed (e.g. the left anterior descending coronary artery and right coronary artery. 
a triple bypass means three vessels are bypassed 
a quadruple bypass means four vessels are bypassed (e.g. LAD, RCA, LCX, first diagonal artery of the LAD) and
quintuple means five. Bypass of more than four coronary arteries is uncommon.

Advice to all:

Eat burgers only occasionally. Share a burger with your friend.
Eat more vegetables with it.
Control your craving for French fries. 
Inculcate the habit of eating more vegetables and not burgers, in young children.

Dr Livy Alex, Head of Molecular Research Lab

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